Today we have a guest blog post from Kai Nagata at Dogwood. Thanks for contributing Kai! … “Ten years ago, Australians with gas furnaces and stoves paid the same for heating fuel as British Columbians do today: about $5 per gigajoule. Today,
Author: FV Climate Action
Do you want to support our work financially? You could be our first patron on Patreon. Our page is here: Why a Patreon Page? There are some ongoing expenses, (website hosting/domain names and other computer-related costs).We want the opportunity to allow
This falls into the “personal action” category of things you can personally control and do to fight Climate Change. We need to stay warm in cold weather (or cool in hot weather) to survive. It’s a matter of safety and also a
We care enough about the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT) that we have written the Mayor and council for 10 of our Fraser Valley cities on behalf of our 64 members. Our members live in these cities, and we have been asked