Guest post by Mel reviewing a recent globe and mail article. Environmental disasters have been happening in British Columbia more and more frequentlysuch as extreme heat events and the terrible flood that happened in Sumas prairie in November 2021. The rainforest biome
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It was fantastic. It ran for 2 days from April 15-16. It was the first ever (but not the last). We had a booth there and we got to talk to great people for about 8 hours each day. We had 4
Today we have a guest blog post from Kai Nagata at Dogwood. Thanks for contributing Kai! … “Ten years ago, Australians with gas furnaces and stoves paid the same for heating fuel as British Columbians do today: about $5 per gigajoule. Today,
Do you want to support our work financially? You could be our first patron on Patreon. Our page is here: Why a Patreon Page? There are some ongoing expenses, (website hosting/domain names and other computer-related costs).We want the opportunity to allow
This falls into the “personal action” category of things you can personally control and do to fight Climate Change. We need to stay warm in cold weather (or cool in hot weather) to survive. It’s a matter of safety and also a