Do you want to support our work financially? You could be our first patron on Patreon.
Our page is here:

Why a Patreon Page?
There are some ongoing expenses, (website hosting/domain names and other computer-related costs).
We want the opportunity to allow you to participate because not everyone can spare the time to volunteer, but you can probably afford the cost of a cup of coffee every month.
Patreon is monthly, it is an ongoing regular donation, just like our expenses.
Patteon seems to have a rock-solid online reputation so this seems like a safe option for your donation information.

Will this fund Climate Action projects?
Hahaha, no not at the current level of Patreon support.
We will start more ambitious projects to educate people, to improve awareness and desire for change, to provide the knowledge for change and to help people take action to fight Climate Change.
If you’d like to know more, sign up as a Patron and we can chat online about some of these plans. We will likely use Kickstarter for kicking off Climate Action Projects. Kickstarter might allow new people to participate. With one-time involvement. Patreon is more about ongoing support.

If you sign up as a Patron, we’d love to list your name online as a supporter. and we’d like to send you a climate sticker as a thank you.

Support us on Patreon here:

Thank you for reading and partnering with us to fight Climate Change in the Fraser Valley.
Greg for Fraser Valley Climate Action

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