Archway Community Services runs Abbotsford’s primary foodbank which is relied on by hundreds of residents each month. If you’ve followed this blog or the posts of Fraser Valley Climate Action for any time you will know that Climate Change unfairly impacts vulnerable folks including those who are food insecure more than it impacts the average resident.
The foodbank’s bulk-buy program is open to anyone and everyone. In fact the more people who participate, the more robust the program is for those who need it most. It allows residents to purchase a $15 bag of veggies each month. There is a standard bag or an Asian bag if you prefer different veggies. Its a good deal. Some months the value of the veggies has been estimated at around $30. These are high quality veggies purchased from the same suppliers that supply the grocery stores. A person can participate one month at a time, or set up a recurring payment so they have a bag of veggies ready for them each month.

Our family decided to pitch in not only because we love everything the foodbank does and want to support that, but because we are also trying to increase the number of fresh vegetables that we eat. This displaces less healthy simple carbs and other things, even if it is only a handful of meals a month, I could use the practice cooking vegetables.
Veggies have a role to play in fighting climate change as well. The water required and carbon emitted from veggies is a small fraction of what would be emitted for nuts, poultry, pork or Beef (If you want to understand how much more carbon intensive beef is look here: If we eat a little lower on the food chain, not only are we likely to improve our health, but we are contributing less to the carbon pollution that causes climate change. I’m not an extremist, I’m not taking anybody’s cheeseburgers away. Its just a choice we can make more often.

So in addition to all this goodness that Archway is creating, they had folks giving out cooling kits at the pick-up. What a great idea. Instructions to help people stay cool, fans, clothes and other elements. I love how Archway GETS IT. This is practical help for a very real problem and we can all be part of the solution by fighting for the protection of vulnerable folks who have fewer means at their disposal to keep themselves cool during heatwaves.
Thanks Archway! and thanks Mackenzie for the pictures!